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40 Million Facebook Posts of 20.000 Brands! What we did learn from social media?

Marketing experts and business owners were about to determine their main marketing strategies for Facebook, just before CEO Zuckerberg announced they made huge changes with the algorythm.

I examined different add moduls, which I see as the best way to reach audiences on Facebook, in the growth focus that is open to learn, and I’d like to share the results with you as much as possible.

In this article, I am going to share activities of more than 20.000 business pages on Facebook in the second quarter of 2018, based upon Buffer’s and BuzzSumo’s research.



As you can see in the graphic below, while the number of the posts businesses shared on Facebook is 8.1 million, this number is only 7 million in the first quarter.

In the first quarter of 2017 the number of daily shared posts is 72,000, and this number is around 90,000 in 2018.

Shortly, in the second quarter of 2018, there is a %24 increase in the number of Facebook posts, when compared to the same time of the last year.

It was indicated that in the algorythm Facebook updated, they see it important the posts between users in behalf of creating communities and it is the main focus of the news feed.

We can see that this situation made things quiet difficult for businesses in 2018, when we think of 30 billion interactions of brands included in the research only in the first quarter of 2017.

30 billion interactions businesses included in the resarch gained in the first quarter of 2017, shows itself with more than %50 loss although today businesses share more posts.

Average interaction per post is decreasing with more than 2/3 ratio for photos that we know it generally serves more interaction than link shares and videos, (and that makes up most of the posts of business publishings.)

Entering the last quarter of 2018, here are the categories of the 3 most interaction bringer pages, in a row.

  • Artists
  • Movies
  • News Feed


Pages belong to this categories indicates that they had at least %64 decrease as you can see below.

Although the change in algorythm Mark Zuckerberg the CEO made is the main reason of this situation, rising rivalrly is an another factor.


5 Reasons of Why Facebook Page Interactions Dropped

Rising Rivalry
: 80 million business pages on Facebook today make up %41 of all the small businesses around the world.The biggest difficulty for businesses to get interaction is the increase of posts shared in business pages. In other words, businesses really increase rivalry by increasing posts.


Progressively Rising Content Quality: Although sometimes we experience the vice versa of this, brands keep producing in our world where everyone can be content producers and where it is easy to find content. For example, video marketing is now not promoted as a special and unique communication study as it used to be. This info is not a mysterious fact. As for commands of add spaces and target audience graduation, they are succesful more than ever.


Changing Algorythm: Realizing that it is more important to create audiences and to serve users real touchings, Facebook shaped its algorythm in this way. In January, Adam Mosseri, the chief responsible for the main pages of Facebook, announced, ‘ The home pages will be shown with more things our friends do’


Add Priority on Main Pages: At the end of the day, it is an important point not to forget that Facebook is a business too. They need to serve users big experiences and keep their shareholders, so they have to make profit. Because it is free for people, businesses and developers, the biggest money source are add givers on the platform.

The company, who announced in the previous algorythm change that posts shared by friends brings more interaction, leaves brands no chance but to arise their budgets and create more add posts as the only solution. Facebook, who keeps the leveling operation between experiences they serve users and maximizing their profit in a way we can call good, it can be told from the graphic above that there is a tendency to show more add content in the news feed.

So, why user’s sharing posts is so important for businesses to get interaction?

Actually, easiest way for brands to get access and interaction is to adapt with algorythm. Post shared by their followers is going to increase the ratio of access and interaction ratio, and this will contribute to the possibility of content’s being viral at max.


Research made by New York Times Customer Insight Department, examining people share posts,in digital according to what, took more than 7 years and the results were published first on NY Times in 2011.


According to the research, here are 5 motivations in sharing contents


  • Posts people think their friends would find enjoying
  • Willing of people to introduce themselves to other users
  • Motivation of starting new relationships
  • Idea of improving his/herself
  • To tell about problems of services of brands



Cambridge Analytica, who saved themselves from election scandal scarcely, had the slowest growing ratio ever this year.


After the scandals they had, Facebook starts with transferring CMO Antoni Lucio, responsible for Global, from Hp as the first serious action.


I hope Facebook, beside the balance of financier-customer, gets advertiser business pages also adapted with balance. For its solution,if we think of the reality that marketers increased their content numbers ended up with nothing, it could be useful for marketers to revise their budgets if they still want to gain access and interaction.


I hope this article is sth that you can benefit from. You can share your questions with me from the comment bar below or you can send me an e-mail. (

Best Regards.



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